Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trash Talk - Eyes & Nines

To be honest I bought Trash Talk's "Eyes & Nines" on vinyl based solely on the art work...and it wasn't a bad buy at all. I really do enjoy hardcore punk but a lot of it coming out today is pretty weak. Everyone wants to have the most brutal breakdown or best gang vocals, but not trash talk. From start to Finnish the album gives legit blast beats and crunching guitar riffs. The only exception being the track "Hash Wednesday" which sounded like Black Sabbath if they had grown up in D.C. in the 80s. For as good as this album is I don't recommend it for people just getting into hardcore punk. Most of the tracks do start to blend together after a while and the fact that they are short hardcore tracks may turn off a new listener. But over all if you really do enjoy hardcoe punk and want to expand your collection I highly recommend Eyes and Nines by Trash Talk.Photobucket

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