Monday, September 27, 2010

The Devil Wears Prada - Zombie E.P.

As anyone who really knows me and they will tell you...Shawn Loves Zombies. So when I went record shopping and noticed that The Devil Wears Prada put out an E.P. simply called Zombie I was a bit more than excited.

First, let me say that I am a sucker for free bonus stuff with music and this E.P. provided another little trinket for my amusement; The Devil Wears Prada in a Zombie comic book. It's nothing groundbreaking, the plot revolves around the band attempting to upload their E.P. to a computer and the only thing standing between them and that are a few hundred zombies. Not going to win many awards but, hey it was free, so kudos for that.

As far as the record its self goes something caught my silly song titles. The Devil Wears Prada is know for silly song titles (I Hate Buffering and Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over to just name a couple) but all the song titles on Zombie are words like Escape and Outbreak...and then I realized that this was a concept E.P. documenting a full zombie apocalypse. Awesome second Kudos to the band.

The music is exactly what you would expect from The Devil Wears Prada, hard, fast and abrasive metal. In all honesty this E.P. has some of their hardest hitting songs to date. One thing I love about these songs are the samples. A lot of bands attempt to be hip and use samples in their records but some bands just don"t know when to stop....The Devil Wears Prada is NOT one of those bands. The sampling is near perfect; the gun shots at the end of Revive are a great touch.

If you like metal and you like zombies this E.P. Is a no brainier, get it now. The only fault I can find with the Zombie E.P. is that it is way to short. You really start getting into this world they have created for you and your suddenly jerked out (By an INTENSE I guess getting jerked out isn't all that bad)


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where Saints Roam/Cheap Thrills Cost the Most 7" - Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster

For thoes of you that don't know Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster...shame on you. The band is fronted by Dallas Taylor, who was the original singer for the Christian metal-core band Underoath. Before I get into this review I want to point out that this 7 inch is on a limited hand numbered run (I own #973) so get it while you can.

Ill do a track by track break down (There are only 2, I figure I'm not that lazy)

Side A is a track called "Where Saints Roam" When I first listened to this track I was reminded of home. I went to party before I went back to college this year and the night ended with a bunch of my friends out on a porch, drunk at 2 in the morning singing to an acoustic guitar. That's what this song is. No, drums, no bass, no over production. Just an acoustic guitar and gang vocals. It is honestly beautiful.

The B-side is "Cheap Thrills Cost the Most " and is a straight up, driving, southern metal song. It honestly sounds like the soundtrack to a bar fight. If you cant bob your head to the groove of this track you better be dead, because this song is hooky as all get out.

Guys if you can find a copy of this 7 inch, buy it. The tracks are exclusive to the single. Your not going to find them on an album and they are more than worth it.

(Yeah, the pic isn't of my record. Its 3 am and I dont want to dig out my camera. Deal with it)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trash Talk - Eyes & Nines

To be honest I bought Trash Talk's "Eyes & Nines" on vinyl based solely on the art work...and it wasn't a bad buy at all. I really do enjoy hardcore punk but a lot of it coming out today is pretty weak. Everyone wants to have the most brutal breakdown or best gang vocals, but not trash talk. From start to Finnish the album gives legit blast beats and crunching guitar riffs. The only exception being the track "Hash Wednesday" which sounded like Black Sabbath if they had grown up in D.C. in the 80s. For as good as this album is I don't recommend it for people just getting into hardcore punk. Most of the tracks do start to blend together after a while and the fact that they are short hardcore tracks may turn off a new listener. But over all if you really do enjoy hardcoe punk and want to expand your collection I highly recommend Eyes and Nines by Trash Talk.Photobucket