Monday, August 18, 2008

iTunes may kill the Album?

All right, this is the first post with content so lets make it good.

Where is the music world going? This is a question the I dwell on a lot. And thanks to iTunes I have a pretty good guess. As Far as I'm concerned the idea of bands recording full albums will soon be a novel idea. Have you ever scrolled through one of your favorite bands pages on iTunes and noticed that one of their songs is massively popular while the other tracks on the album have received next to no attention? I have and I hate it. Albums were meant to be listened to as a unit. Artists go out of their way to pick songs that fit the album and they organize them in a specific way to maximize you listening experience. And what do we do...we go buy one song. Don't get me wrong; I know that certain restrictions (Like money and hardrive space) prohibit people from getting full albums but if all you ever do is buy one song what message does that send? After a while record companies are going to pick up on this trend and start requesting that bands simply record two or three "Radio Friendly" songs (Radio Friendly is one of my favorite terms to use and I use it A LOT...And I think I found the subject for next weeks post). These radio friendly songs will all be released as singles so they receive significant radio play, they're used in adds, found in movies and their iTunes sales will be through the roof. Some people reading this probably donut see a problem with this so let me point it out. If bands are only recording a few songs at a time what will happen to albums? If all your record company wants from you is a few songs for radio that prohibits your composing. So instead of the 7 minute Magnum opus you write a 3 minute pop wonder.

Now, please bear in mind that I love when bands become popular and people listen to them but at what cost. I'm not saying that the loss of albums is the definitive future of music but it is one of the possibilities. Please help keep records coming buy downloading full albums or even better go out and buy a hard copy!

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